Company Overview
Company name Japan Trade Culture Inc.
Established 1st Aug, 2001
Representative Chairman Kenjiro WATANABE
President Satoshi WATANABE
Paid-in Capital 37 million yen
Head Office 9F NankaiTokyo Bldg., 5-15-1 Ginza, Chuo-ku, Tokyo 104-0061, Japan
TEL 03-6278-8770
FAX 03-6278-8808
Access Map
Our Bussiness ●Inbound Promotions
●Japan Tourism Marketing
●Temporary staffing support
●Employee training services
●Airport Passenger Services
●Video Production and Distribution
●Agency for Advertising and Publishing
●Planning and conducting international symposium, exhibition, display and event
●Consulting or agency for cultural exchange or education
●Sale of goods
Corporate Philosophy To make and develop a society that different Asian people can work together, learn together, share happiness, and understand each other.
Our main business connection Japan Airport Terminal Co., Ltd. & their group companies
Japan Duty Free Fa-So-La Isetan Mitsukoshi Co.,LTD.
Japan Airport Ground Handling Co., Ltd.
Over 100 travel agencies (at home and abroad)etc.



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